Monday, 26 May 2014

Traveller - NPCs

Tobias Hon
UPP: 87C775
Homeworld: StarPort - A, Size - Small, Atmos - Vacuum, Hydro - Wet, Population - High, Law - Low, Tech - Average Stellar
Age: 30
Career: Scout
Skills: Pilot - 3, Grav Vehicle - 2, Mechanical - 2, Gambling - 1, Handguns - 1, Vacc Suit -1

Tobias was a Scout until he witnessed an event of such magnitude that he left the service.  What the event was, he doesn't say.  He makes it well known however that he does not wish to be at the edge of known space ever again.  He is an excellent pilot and competent mechanic, but given to bouts of alcoholism and excessive gambling when on down time.  Tobias has no living relatives, at least none that he talks about.  Tobias is the pilot of "The Trinitor".

Ev-Ess Lia
UPP: 6657AA
Homeworld: StarPort - A, Size - Medium, Atmos - Exotic, Hydro - Wet, Population - High, Law - Moderate, Tech - High Stellar
Age: 34
Career / Rank: Navy / Lieutenant Commander
Skills: Navigation - 3, Pilot - 2, Steward - 2, Admin - 1, Bribery - 1, Computer - 1, Engineering - 1, Medical - 1, Vacc Suit - 1

Ev-Ess Lia was dishonorably discharged from the Navy for attempting to bribe a superior officer for favourable duty rosters.  During her career, which until that point had been quite distinguished, she had served as a chief navigational officer.  Her skills with piloting and stewardship has seen her since hire on as both roles to The Gallant.  She is regretful of her past mistakes that curtailed her burgeoning career and holds no ill against those responsible for her fall from grace, as she is sanguine in that it was here responsibility and her fault.

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