Here are some quick fire notes for the Traveller game.
Setting Background:
This will be expanded on both in and out of game.
It is the year 2965
In the year 2211, Humanity discovered Jump Technology. Rumours and legends to this day suggest that it was based of alien technology, but this has long been refuted by the scientific communities.
The Civilised Galaxy includes
* 541 Planetary Systems
* 1232 Sattelite Systems
Politically, there are 4 Major factions.
The Earthen Imperium
The Bahaus-Drezai Federation
The Interstellar Confederation
The Free Planets Collective
No non-human intelligent life forms have been discovered so far. The Galaxy has been war and conflict free (major conflicts) for over 100 years. It is considered to be the dawn of the Golden Age of Interstellar Non-Agression.
The Earthen Imperium are more of a noble class monarchist style political conglomeration. They are ruled by a Royal Family, currently with Queen Sardel III as the head. The Imperium have had most run-ins with the The Bahaus-Drezai Federation. #109 PSys #189 SSys.
The Bahaus-Drezai Federation are a political organization of a number of companies, most notabely the two titular ones, Bahaus and Drezai. They are very interested in merchantile conquest of the galaxy. The Merchants Guild had their routes within that conglomeration centuries ago, same with the TAS. #89 PSys #201 SSys
The Interstellar Confederation is the newest of the big 4, and has been the most war-like in its past. The Confederation is ruled over by a government, which is now democratically elected amongst all systems, with some minor friction often occuring during this process as old agendas are hard to put aside sometimes. #92 PSsys #189 SSys
The Free Planets Collective is the smallest of the big 4, but they have very rich systems and a strong and binding alliance. Not goverened so much by a single entity as they are just an alliance of planets and systems with each system having a single vote in any political matters. #46 PSys #94 SSys.
Character Background:
Jeremy - Wolfgang Strucker - Noble - (Marquis) - 42 years old
Danie - Arianna Amrakahn - Scientist - 50 years old
Craig - Wade Wilson - Marine - 30 years old
Damien - Cornellius Gruhl - Pirate (leader) - 50 years old
Luke - Ivan Markhov - Army (general) - 38 years old
Henry - Justy Tyler - Navy (lieutanant - Baron) - 42 years old
Cornellius and Arianna are married.
Cornellius tried to steal Arianna's ship and failed, his own ship was destroyed, requiring co-operation to get to the closest spaceport. Arianna's ship is called The Trinitor.
Wade saved Pieter van Caspien, the son of Dietrich van Caspien (a board member of the TAS). Pieter was a Naval officer, who was almost killed during action that had Wade was injured in. Justy was a Naval petty officer on board the same vessel and was promoted for his part in the action, being the last standing Navy member on the bridge, he managed to jump the ship to safety. Both were lauded as heroes but both ended up in the infirmary where they became fast friends. They were both mustered out shortly afterwards with honourable discharge.
Wolfgang and Justy went to school together as minor nobility in the Earthern Imperium. Wolfgang's yacht had been attacked by pirates in the above action. He had called an SOS which had the above vessel (the Broadsword) respond. When it jumped out, Wolfgang's yacht (The Gallant) was able to retreat as well and took on the survivors after The Broadsword became stranded in space and the life-support was damaged.
The Trinitor responded to news of a derelict ship only to find that it is Imperial Navy (The Broadsword) and that there were survivors which were being transferred to The Gallant subsequently they rendered assistance.
Ivan became a mercenary after his decorated career. He had left his military career behind and was no longer interested in that part of his life. He was part of the "pirate force" that had attacked The Gallant and The Broadsword. Ivan was rendered unconscious and badly injured during the fight, and had been evaced as a survior to be tried for piracy. During the aid rendered by The Trinitor, Cornellius recongnised the unconscious soldier and transferred him from The Gallant to The Trinitor and hid him from the authorities.
The two vessels are now providing mutual support for each other. The Trinitor is using The Gallant to help smuggle. The Gallant is staying with the Trinitor because Wolfgang sees those on The Trinitor as good people and is nervous after the attack on his ship and is concerned about becoming stranded.
The group has the following goals:
Arianna wants to own her ship.
Cornellius wants to own ("control") a space station
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