- Characters cannot be Mutant Plants
- When determining HP, instead of rolling, a character will gain 3 HP per point of CON if a mutant and 4 HP per point of CON if a Pure Strain Human.
- If a character rolls the Plane Shift mutation, they must instead re-roll (they are unable to gain a Drawback mutation with the re-roll).
- Technology Rolls will not be made with the rules as published, instead we will be using the original Gamma World flowcharts. A High Intelligence will modify the dice roll as follows:
--- Intelligence Table ---
Technology Roll Modifier
Armour Worn
Turn Movement
Encounter Movement
Running Movement
Plate mail
Chain mail
Leather, Leather, Skins/Furs
2-Handed Weapon or Heavy Crossbow
Every 5
full items*
- Before Initiative is rolled, anyone wanting to use a mutation must announce it.
- Initiative is rolled on a d6 by one player and by the GM.
- Whichever side rolls highest goes first, in case of a tie, the characters go first.
- The player who rolled the Initiative Die acts first and then play moves around the table clockwise.
- A combatant may delay their action, but if they delay they must wait until all other active combatants (including the enemy have acted), then they may act in order around the table.
- Once a new round starts, the player die moves one space clockwise and the process begins again.
- A combatant must stop immediately when he comes into contact with an opponents base.
- In subsequent rounds, a player may move past a currently engaged enemy as though performing a fighting retreat (1/2 movement). If they come into contact with another enemy, they stop again.
- A character may move up to half his Encounter Movement and attack.
- A character may elect to run, but running must be in a straight line and prevents the character from attacking the next round.
- The Warhammer is a 1-H/2-H weapon that deals 1d6/1d6+1
- The Spear is a 1-H/2-H weapon that deals 1d6/1d6+1
- The Trident is a 1-H/2-H weapon that deals 1d6+1/1d6+2
- The Morning Star damage is changed from 1d6 to 1d6+1.
- The Bastard Sword damage is changed from 1d8/2d4 to 1d8/1d8+1
- The Heavy Crossbow damage is changed from 1d8 to 1d10
Critical Hits & Fumbles:
- A Natural 20 is a Critical Threat. Make a second attack roll to confirm the critical. If the second attack roll hits, maximum damage is automatically scored.
- Ancient weapons score a critical threat on a 19 or 20 but are only treated as a threat if the die roll would still hit the target.
- A Critical will instantly kill or incapacitate a 'mook' enemy.
- A Natural 1 is a Fumble Threat. Make a second attack roll to confirm the fumble. If the second attack roll misses, the character has fumbled his weapon and must make a DEX check or lose his next rounds action as he recovers.
Death & Unconsciousness:
- 0 HP is unconscious. Each round a character is unconscious, they must make a Save vs Death or Die.
- A natural 20 on the Save v Death indicates that the character has stabilized automatically.
- If a character takes any additional damage (at all) whilst unconscious, they die.
- Any character can stabilize another character, this takes 6 rounds (4 for someone with the Medical Skill) during which they cannot be disturbed. The unconscious character does not have to make Save vs Death ST during this time. A stabilized character is treated as having 0 HP (if they had fewer) but no longer needs to make Save vs Death ST unless they take damage again or are violently moved.
- Each rest period is 8 hours.
- During a rest period, a Mutant or Replicant heals 2 HP and a Pure Strain Human heals 3 HP.
- During a rest period, an Android may repair 4 HP of damage.
- An injured character may be treated by someone with the Medical Skill (see below), this requires an INT check. Success indicates that they heal at double the normal rate.
- An injured Android may be repaired by someone with the Tinkering Skill (see below), this requires an INT check. Success indicates that they repair 10 HP of damage.
- A character treating/repairing another character (or themselves) heals at 2 HP less than normal.
- If resting in very comfortable conditions, the character heals an additional HP.
- A character with a high CON, 13+ heals an additional HP per rest period.
- A character with an exceptional CON, 17+ heals 2 additional HP per rest period.
- Each character can pick two meta-skill that they are familiar with. These Skill areas may sometimes require an attribute check if the task is difficult or is under duress or carries with it risk. If a player wishes to have some other Meta-skill, they are free to create one after discussion with the GM.
- The skills are:
- Medical
- Survival
- Ancient Lore
- Streetwise
- Trickery & Deceit
- Tinkering
- Engineering
- Tactics & Strategy
- Agriculture
- Athletics
- Acrobatics
- Thievery
- Handle Animals & Husbandry
- Scavenge
- Leadership
- Smithing
- Herbalism
- Stealth
- Crafting
- Wasteland Lore
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